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Booking Signatures

Both the agreement and most of the state are private, encrypted DAG-JOSE IPLD objects.

Booking and Agreement State IPFS.excalidraw

The following table outlines the different pieces of state and the agreement, and whether/how they are signed or encrypted.

Public stateOn-chainNo
Private state (LigoAgreementState)Off-chainYes

Agreement and Public State Changes

The public state stored in the Gnosis Safe holds a pointer to the off-chain agreement. Any changes to the agreement or public state requires a signature from both parties to be sent to the Gnosis Safe. The pointer to the agreement is an IPLD CID (content identifier) that is stored in a Safe Module.

Booking Signature Module Off Chain.excalidraw

Private State Changes

Changes to private state are done off chain and do not require a Gnosis Safe signature. Instead, changes require a signature from both parties directly and the state is stored off chain.

Each state contains a nonce. This nonce is included in the message and signed by each party. The state with the latest nonce that is signed by both parties is considered the current state.

Booking Signature Off Chain State.excalidraw


Open Questions

  • Paying for transactions
    • Meta transactions could be used
    • Split fee between parties?